Looking for a local corn maze or hayride in East-Central Michigan? Scroll down this page and you will see the
all of those in East-Central Michigan, sorted by county. Some are huge corn mazes with hayrides, pumpkins, corn cannons, inflatables and others are simple
corn mazes with little else. Most also have loads of pumpkins to choose from. To really make it
fun for your kids, look for those that have the extra activities, like a
corn cannon, cow train, inflatables, farm animals, pumpkin patch or zip lines. There is usually a small fee for the mazes (of
course, the more elaborate mazes tend to charge more. Hayrides are often free. A LWAYS call before you go
to confirm whether they are open this year and any requirements, they don't always report changes to me, and many closed permanently due to the covid lockdowns!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a
fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings, active Federal facilities like dams, a mint, NASA, even fun
geology: like fossils and volcanic areas They're fun, inexpensive and educational! And for road trips and camping, see
There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for March 2025
March: Corn mazes aren't open until late July or August - Same with Pumpkin patches. And if you are looking for a pumpkin patch, this website for
pumpkin patches). You may also want to try the latest fun,
Zombie Paintball, see this website!.
Corn mazes, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Arenac County
Bay County
Berry Creek Farms -
corn maze,
hayrides, pumpkins and canning tomatoes,
Bay City, MI. Phone:
Relaxing farm atmosphere. U-pick or we
pick strawberries and canning tomatoes (call orders ahead.) Fall
decorations including Indian corn, straw, cornstalks and gourds. New Fall
gift shop including crafts. Family hayrides or kids ride the Berry Creek
Express Train. October corn maze haunted last two weekends. Haunted Greenhouse
coming October 2002. Strawberry season approximately May 31; tomatoes Aug. 15;
pumpkins October 1-31. Call ahead for conditions on crops. Pumpkin season month
of October, 8 am-6 pm.
Conveniently located on S. Euclid Ave. From I-75, go E on US-10 to Bay City.
Go S on Euclid Ave. (first light off US-10) approximately 5 miles to 6745 S. Euclid,
or last driveway before S. Euclid dead ends.
Warmbier Farms - corn maze, pumpkins for sale in the shop or farmstand, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, Fall festival, cow train rides, child-sized haybale maze,
tractor-pulled hay rides, Bounce house, gift shop, restrooms
Garfield Road, Auburn , MI 48611. Phone: 989-662-7002. Alternate
Phone: 989-662-7003. Email:
garden@warmbierfarms.com. Open: Saturday, from 10 am to 5 pm;
Sunday, from 11 am to 5 pm, September 7 to October 27, 2013.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Located 5 Miles West of I-75 on US-10. Exit US-10 on Garfield Road
and we are located 1/2 mile to the south.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. Farmer Bill's has both a Play
Area with Petting Zoo, Bounce House, Corn Box, etc and a 17 Acre
Corn Maze. Separate admissions for both, please see our website for
up to date prices and times. (ADDED: August 23, 2013)
Clinton County
Andy T's Farm Market - pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, wagon rides. corn maze
3131 S US-27, St. Johns, MI 48829. Email:
andyts@charter.net. Open:
Pumpkin Festival on October 3 to 6th in 2013, open for pumpkins other dates, too - April-Dec, daily 9am to 8pm. Saturday and Sunday from
11am-6pm. Directions: From 127, take Price Rd. Exit, go W 1/2 miles to Business 127, go N 3 miles. A true farm market of Michigan offering fresh
Michigan fruit and our own fresh vegetables. We are known for high quality plants, fruits, and vegetables. Also farm has 2 goat mountains, mint
tours by appt., and 3 miles long fall wagon rides.
- Uncle John's Cider Mill
- pumpkin patch, corn maze, cider mill, jumping pillows, gem mining, more, Gift Shop, Bakery, TAPROOM
A 5th generation family farm, with
baked goods, hard cider & wine, gifts and entertainment
8614 N US-127, Saint Johns, MI. Phone: 989-224-3686. Email:
Open: See their page. Directions: When using our physical address, some GPS programs will take you into the city limits of St. Johns. We are
actually NORTH of the City of St. Johns by 7 miles. You may have better luck if you enter the Emerald Golf Course, as we are across the street
and slightly north of their location. Uncle John's Cider Mill facebook page. On some
weekends: FOOD TRUCKS: CAMZIE'S PIZZA, BUILD A BOWL, BBQ. ACTIVITIES: Gemstone Mining,Corn Maze, Pumpkin Patch, sold by weight, Farm Trail, free
RETAIL STORES 9-7: Cider Mill, Gift Shop, Bakery, TAPROOM (ADDED: September 20, 2023, JBS)
Genesee County
- Porters Orchard –
corn maze, zombie paintball, pumpkins, apples, hayrides, farm animals
12060 Hegel Rd. Goodrich, MI 48438. Phone: 810636-7156
Open: Aug-Dec, Monday to Saturday 9am-6pm, Sun noon to 6pm.
Directions: 1-1/2 miles E of M-15 on Hegel Rd. in Goodrich, which is 7
miles S of I-69. We are a family owned Orchard and Farm Market. We
press our own cider, bake our own donuts, and make fresh caramel
apples. We offer hayrides to the U-pick apples and pumpkins. We have a
petting farm and inflatable rides on weekends in Sep and October. Corn
Maze, Bakery, Special Events, School Field Trips, Groups/Parties,
Paintball at the Orchard, Zombie Paintball available during October!
Our farm is fun-filled and full of action in the Fall. We have our
Cornfield Maze for you to get lost in, and a Very Sincere Pumpkin
Patch to for pickin’! Take a hayride around the farm. Visit our
petting farm and see what — ‘er who — is new! Come back later in the
summer to see what else we’ll be offering this Fall. (UPDATED: May 1,
2015, JBS)
Spicer Orchards -
corn maze, pumpkins, Apples, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries,
cherries, plums
10411 Clyde, Fenton, MI, 48430. Phone:
810-632-7692. Email:
Open: corn maze from 9am to 6pm in September and October. Usually open just the summer and fall months. Free hayrides on the
weekends. You can drive your car right up to the apple trees and pick
right there. There is a shop that sells fruit, cider and pies and other
desserts as well as little knick-knacks like candles, toys and
figurines. There are goats, pigs and other farm animals on the premises.
Restrooms are on-site. The facility also gives tours to school groups,
and other groups like Boy Scouts, etc. (UPDATED: May 1, 2015, JBS) (UPDATED: August 31,
2013, from their website)
Gratiot County
Huron County
The Flower Farm - corn maze, pumpkins, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, haunted corn maze, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, tractor-pulled hay rides, wagon rides, gift shop,
school tours
236 Pigeon Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48858. Phone: (989) 269-8754. Fax: (989)
269-8756. Email:
info@theflowerfarm.biz. Directions: We are located a quarter
mile away from M-53 on M-142 West of Bad Axe. And for a map to our
click here. Crops are usually available in September, October.
Open: See website for current hours on our contact us webpage.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Corn Maze is
Open in 2009 from September 18 through November 1; Check our website
for specific times and events. Payment: Cash, Check,
Visa/MasterCard. (ADDED: August 18, 2008) (UPDATED: September
23, 2009)
Lapeer County
- Mr. Green Jeans Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch
- corn maze, pumpkins for sale in the shop or farmstand, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, porta-potties, birthday parties
141 Rule Road,
Imlay City, MI 48444. Phone: 810-724-8488. Alternate Phone:
810-338-2208. Email:
hiberni@aol.com. Open: Weekends in October on Friday 5 pm to
9 pm, Saturday and Sunday 12 pm to 9 pm. Directions: One mile
east of Imlay City on Imlay City Road and a half mile north on
Rule Road.
Click here for a map and directions. Special hours for
church, scout and school groups. Payment: Cash, only. Find the
goblins in the 6 acres of corn to win a really lame prize! Paint
a pumpkin; win a pumpkin. Meet the rude employees (just kidding!). Laugh, laugh
and laugh. (UPDATED: September 21, 2013) (ADDED: September 20, 2012) (UPDATED: September
29, 2012)
Mason County
Midland County
- Grandmas Pumpkin Patch - corn maze, pumpkin patch,
straw maze, farm animals, hayrides, pony rides, petting zoo, pig races
4277 N Eastman Road, Midland, MI 48642. Phone: 989-513-5222. Email:
grandma@grandmaspumpkinpatch.com. Open: Monday
through Friday 10am - 6pm for pumpkin sales, Friday 6pm to 10pm for the
flashlight maze, Saturday 10am to 6pm with all activities running, Saturday
6pm to 10pm for the flashlight maze and Sunday 12pm to 6pm all activities. Directions:
Click here
for a map. Open:
Click here for
dates and hours. Grandma's Pumpkin Patch is your family's fall
destination for fun! We area family farm that has many fall activities.
Conveniently located on Eastman Road just 5 miles north of the Midland Mall.
Grandma's Pumpkin Patch offers inflatables, hay rides, 3.5 acre corn maze,
apple sling shots, pig races and more. (UPDATED: September 24, 2015, JBS) (UPDATED: October 20, 2012)
(UPDATED: October 11, 2010)
Ontonagon County
Johnsons Giant Pumpkin Patch - corn maze, pumpkin patch, pony rides,
4715 N. Portsmouth Rd, Saginaw, MI 48601 ,
MI 48601. Phone: 989) 752-3133.
johnsonsgiantpumpkins@hotmail.com. Open: Daily from
9-7 Monday-Sunday.
weekend, Johnson's also has live demonstrations at the farm. We
feature chainsaw carvers, a blacksmith, rope maker, storyteller,
horse rides, Miniature train rides and games for the kids! Also
if you want to order an etched pumpkin like above place an order
now or before October 1st by calling Gretchen to place an order.
Want to book a Birthday or special party call us to arrange a
package for your group in our new area. Again this year, is the
Trebuchet (Catapult) to thrill all ages! The Trebuchet is capable
of throwing pumpkins over 1000 ft! and will be demonstrated on
weekends! (ADDED: October 13, 2009, suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on October 13, 2009: "This
place is great, corn maze, soy bean maze, petting farm, pony
rides, pumpkin catapault, doughnuts and cider, HUGE pumpkins, and
much more."
Frankenmuth Corn Maze Weiss Centennial Farm - pumpkin patch-pick in the field, cow train
rides, corn maze, kiddie (mini) corn maze, straw or hay bale maze, tractor-pulled hay rides, concessions
or refreshment stand, porta-potties, picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours
Weiss Road, Frankenmuth, MI 48734. Phone: 989-652-8748. Alternate Phone: 989-482-4574. Email:
weisscentennialfarm@hotmail.com. Open: late September October and early November on Fridays fromn 7
pm to 11 pm, Saturdays from 11 am to 11 pm and Sundays from 1 pm to 10 pm. Directions: From Frankenmuth
Visitors Center drive 1/2 mile north to Genesee Street (7-11 on the corner). Turn west onto Genesee (name
changes to Junction Road)and drive 2.5 miles to Weiss Road. Turn north on Weiss Road and drive 1/2 mile.
Farm is on left, corn maze is on the right, just past the farmstead. Welcome!.
Click here for a map and directions. Corn maze is open from September 27th through November 4.
Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. We are committed to sharing our family farm's story and Michigan's
agricultural heritage with visitors. We strive to preserve our farmland and care for our cows for
generations to come. (ADDED: May 05, 2013)
St. Clair County
Corn Fun
Family Farm - pumpkin patch-pick in the field, Fall festival, corn maze, haunted corn maze, straw or hay bale maze, child-sized haybale
maze, haunted house, haunted trail,
9391 Lindsey Lane, Casco, MI 48064. Phone: 586-365-9401.. Fax: 586-727-3926. Email:
echsuehome@aol.com. Open:
Thursday (October Only) 2 Mazes Open 2 pm to 10 pm / Fear Farm Closed Friday and Saturday 2 Mazes Open Noon - Midnight / Fear Farm Open Dusk -
Midnight (October Only) Sunday 2 Mazes Open Noon - 8 pm / Fear Farm Closed We will open 7 days a week for groups of 10 or more with.
here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Take I-94 East to the 26 Mile Road Exit #248. Go East on 26 Mile Road 3 miles to Church
Road Go left (north) on Church Road 3 miles to Lindsey Road Turn right and we are just around the bend.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Fahley Farms Corn Maze - corn maze,
child-sized haybale maze
8796 Brockway Rd., Yale, MI 48097. Phone: 810-650-45040. Email us at:
Directions: From I-69 take the Emmett exit to the north and go through Yale.
We are 2 miles north of Yale on M-19 (just after Fisher Rd.). And for a map
to our farm,
click here. Crops are usually available in September, October. Open:
Friday, 5pm to 8pm, Saturday, 1pm to 8pm, Sunday, 1pm to 6pm. Corn Maze is
open from September 22nd through October 29th. Payment: Cash, only. We have
Indian Corn and Corn Stalks available also.
Izzi Farm Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch - corn maze and pumpkin patch,
restrooms, gift shop, concession stand (drinks, snacks and/or food),
picnic area, pumpkin patch in the field
8475 Marine City Highway (Ira Township near Fair Haven, MI. Phone: (586)
612-2511. Email us at:
Directions: 5 miles east of I-94, on Marine City Hwy (26 Mile Road). Open: 2010
Season: September 12 to November 1; Friday 5 pm to 11 pm, Saturday 10 am to 11
pm, Sunday
10 am to 7 pm.
Pick your own pumpkin in the Izzi Farm Pumpkin Patch, explore the
"Pure Michigan" maze paths, enjoy refreshments or a picnic, or purchase items
at our farm store. Special activities include a Harley Davidson Fall Color Ride,
Antique Tractor Show, Classic Car and Truck Show, and Moonlight Maze. Active
duty, reserves, and Veterans of our Military get in half price with military ID!
Call to ask about possible special arrangements or private rental for group
picnics, special events, parties, and tours. We welcome church groups, scouting
groups, community organizations, or companies. Limited rental dates so reserve
yours early! See our facebook
page. (UPDATED: October 08, 2010) (ADDED: September 18, 2008, suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on October 02, 2011: "We had
a great time!open Saturday and Sundays for Hayrides and Pick your own
Pumkins and a Made in Michigan Store. Also has a Children Play Area
with a Giant Slide and Hay Pyramid. Hayrides were only $1.00 each,
Children Play area is FREE, Pumpkins were plentiful and reasonable,
Great family destination for a picnic or a hot dog lunch, the kids
loved the slide and the hay pyramid. They also have a Gift Store with
all Michigan Made items!"
- Riley Ridge Farms - corn maze, pumpkins,
Fall raspberries,
Memphis, MI. Phone: 810-392-2417. U-pick Fall raspberries, farm fresh vegetables, corn maze, pumpkins,and a
"real" farm experience. Open NOTE: I suspect this one has closed; I
can find nothing abpout them anywhere, except on websites that copied
their information from me! last reported hours were July-Nov. 1, Monday to Friday, 9 am-6 pm,
Saturday 9 am-5 pm, Sun. 1-5 pm. More time optional, please call. Directions:
Exit 180 off I-69, W of Port Huron, E of Capac. Exit S, approximately 5 miles or
North Ave. to Bordman (right) to Riley Center (left) 4 miles.
The Property Farms and McCallum's Orchard and Cider Mill -
Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, corn
maze, Pick-your-own apples, pumpkins for sale in the shop or
farmstand, goat walk, tractor-pulled hay rides, U-pick and already
picked, farm market, gift shop, concessions or refreshment stand,
porta-potties, Cell service cell phones work here, restrooms, picnic
area, picnic area you may bring your own food, farm animals, birthday
parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours
5697 Harris
Road, Jeddo, MI 48032. Phone: (810) 327-6394. Email:
mindyradatz@thepropertyfarms.com. Open: Call for hours.Click
here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use of pesticides
and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, All credit cards.
Click here for our Instagram page.
(ADDED: June 19, 2023)
Sanilac County
Heritage Gardens L.L.C. - corn maze, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, haunted corn maze, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, straw or hay bale maze, child-sized haybale maze, tractor-pulled
hay rides, prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand,
restrooms, picnic area, school tours
7363 School Rd., Melvin, MI 48454. Phone: 810 378-5082. Email:
heritagegardens@glis.net. And for a map to our farm,
click here. Crops are usually available in August, September,
October. Open: Monday - Thursday open by reservation or school field
trips. Fridays we are open from 6:00 until 10:00p.m. Saturdaysand
Sundays from 1:00 until 10:00 p.m. Haunted events start the last weekend
in September, hours are from dusk until midnight, except Sunday it is
from dusk until 10:00p.m. Corn Maze is open first weekend in September;
Closes October 31. For more information call or email. Payment: Cash,
Shiawassee County
Corn Maze - pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, corn maze, corn cannon, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic
area, birthday parties, school tours
450 N Vernon Rd, Corunna, MI 48817. Phone: 989-743-6899. Alternate Phone: 734-604-3994. Email:
Open: See our website for current hours; Thursdays and Fridays 6 pm till 10 pm; Saturdays 1 pm till 10 pm; Sundays from 1 pm till 8 pm and Labor
Day from 1 pm till 8 pm.
here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: 5 miles west of M-13 on M-21 to Vernon Road or 5 miles east of Owosso on M-21 to
Vernon Road then 1/2 mile north.
Click here for a map and directions. Corn Maze is open last weekend in August thru first weekend in November; Pumpkins available beginning
first weekend in October. Payment: Cash, Check.
Tuscola County